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MPF Performance Report: What’s happened for the last 12 months?

Updated: Apr 18, 2021

Market Update

1. US started QE in last March2020. With more money and low interest rate, the equity market was therefore skyrocketed until 2020Q4.

2. In 2021Q1, The bond yields rise affecting the strong trend of equity market. Those outstanding company with high valuation suffer most during that period.

MPF Fund Performance by fund category

- Only 1 of the top 10 is not Equity Fund

- For Category of “Asian” & “Greater China” Equity Fund, its performance is over 60%

- While “US” and “Global” Equity Fund has is over 50%

- For those under 10%, they are “Conservative Fund”, “Money Dollar Fund”, “Guarantee Fund” or Bond related (All are Low risk fund)


1. Don’t be too conservative if you still have long time before retirement! (Low Risk = Low Return)

2. Index-Tracking fund may perform worse than active fund in case of fluctuation. (Cant React on market opportunities)

3. Median of All fund is 30%,can use it as a reference point to review your own portfolio


Focus on long time Growth, Not to be scared by Short-term variation

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